In all of our examples, we focused on the impact of not helping others, with an emphasis on how it hinders us from personal growth and success. If we realize that part of the reason we have been placed on the earth is to be a blessing to others, we also understand that our personal blessings are directly linked to how we treat and help others.

I’ve often used Mary Church Terrell’s famous quote “lifting as we climb”, in speeches, video blogs, mentoring programs, and more, and it serves as a constant reminder that no matter how high I soar, my responsibility is to bring others along with me. That’s why as CEO of a small business development firm, I take pride in helping individuals realize their dream of entrepreneurship. Or as an author and motivational speaker, I want to inspire the world to greatness. This notion isn’t lost on successful people from all walks of life. The best leaders, most successful athletes, thriving entrepreneurs, and so forth understand the value of lifting as we climb. Remember, your team, your ministry, your department, or your company thrives when everyone plays a role in the success and everyone has a sense of community, teamwork, and group collaboration. Maybe even more importantly, your individual success hinges on how many people you help reach their own level of success.
Consider climbing to the top of a mountain, and standing at the highest peak with no one to share it with? No one to celebrate with? No one to applaud for his or her own ability to reach the top? Even in this age of selfies and other self-centered actions, that would be a lonely existence at the top of the mountain. If you enjoy being successful and winning, try bringing someone else along, helping them on their journey, propelling them to success and victory, and you may be surprised. The rewarding feeling and sense of accomplishment may even parallel what you feel with your own success